Food Business
Food Ingredients
Since building the sugar refinery in Ulsan in 1955, Samyang Corporation has steadily supplied various food ingredients, including sugar, starch sugar, flour and oil/fat. Based on our exceptional production and R&D capabilities, we are expanding our business scope to the development and supply of specialty ingredients that offer remarkable effectiveness.
1955Launch of
Food Business -
ingredients -
9Global offices, subsidiaries and plants
in 2021
Business Areas
Food Ingredients
Samyang Corporation supplies ingredients that are used as the raw or additional ingredients in various foods, including sugar, starch sugar, flour, premix and oils/fats. It aims to become the Total Solution Provider who supplies ingredients customized to the needs of our customers using our exceptional level of production and R&D capabilities.
Specialty Ingredients
We are committed to emerge as the Global Solution Provider in the health and nutrition area, who improves health and adds vitality to our lifestyle with highly-effective functional foods developed and supplied based on our continuous R&D efforts.
Q.One is the comprehensive food brand with a name that stands for “Quality No. 1.” It supplies a variety of essential food ingredients and offers a healthy and joyful lifestyle as the staple brand for everyday use.

Samyang Corporation’s allulose brand, Nexweet®, stands for the sugar that leads the next-generation lifestyle, while its resistant dextrin brand, Fiberest™, means the best of all dietary fibers. They are functional ingredient brands developed using Samyang’s unique specialty technology and knowhow.
Specialty Website